Hacks 1.25 Classic
Deck Construction
- Decks are 60 cards at minimum, with a 15 card sideboard.
- Legal Sets are Revised through Scourge, with the exception of Legends, The Dark, and Chronicles because Hackfather is a wimp and hates Blood Moon.
- Additionally, Time Spiral Remastered Old Bordered cards are legal.
- Portal Sets, Starter 99, and Book Promos are notably legal.
- Reprints OK.
- Proxies OK as long as you make them as offensive to Hackfather as possible.
- Here's a stab at a Scryfall query: (legal:vintage (date<=scg date>=3ed -set:leg -set:drk -set:chr) or (set:tsr rarity:s))
Gameplay Rules
- London Mulligan is in effect.
- All errata defers to current oracle.
- Same Legends are buried on resolution.
- Mana empties at end of phase.
- Wishes can retrieve from exile.
- Damage uses the stack.
- Mana Burn happens.
- Draws determined by TO’s trivia tastes.